College Procedures
College Procedures
During the College day we need to know that our students are at College, in class and learning. Parents and caregivers need to have the confidence that this is the case.
Our links with families, and family communication with us, is an important factor in ensuring students are safe and on campus when they should be.
We understand that, from time to time students will be ill, will need to attend an appointment (medical, dental or similar), or will require an absence for a specific purpose.
There are legal requirements around attendance of students at school.
A Principal’s ability to grant discretionary leave for a student is governed by Section 27 of the Education Act.
The process for advising absences is:
a) For absences known in advance – this may include travel, family event, representative sporting or cultural leave:
- requests should be made, in writing, to the Principal;
- please make this request as far in advance of the event as is possible;
- requests for leave will be confirmed with families and advised to relevant College staff.
b) For unscheduled absences that occur on the day:
- An early phone call to College is requested (please leave a message if this is before the school day starts).
- A note from home when the student returns to College (as confirmation of the absence):
– the note is to be signed by a parent or caregiver.
– this note should be given to the student’s Ako Teacher and should advise: student’s name; reason for absence; date/s of absence. - Please be aware that a College staff member may still call back to confirm the accuracy of absence advice (phone call or note).
c) College process for unexplained absences.
Ashburton College operates an electronic package that allows for early notification when your student is not in class.
- class rolls are checked every period and entered electronically by teaching staff;
- when a student is absent without explanation families who have a cellphone are notified by text message;
- text notifications from the College occur mid-morning and after lunch;
- families are asked to reply to the text message or phone the College to confirm the student’s whereabouts.
Unjustified absences that are not explained within a ten-day period, are automatically recorded as ‘T’ (truant). This will appear on a student’s record.
To lessen truancy by students Ashburton College works closely with the Mid Canterbury District Truancy Service and ROCK ON, an Inter-Agency Group made up of representatives from the local Police, CYF, District Truancy Service and the Ministry of Education.
Cell Phone Management Procedures
Phone for Student use
A telephone is available for student use at the Student Counter.
Security of Property
It is recommended that students do not bring valuable items to College.
Valuable articles (eg: money, jewellery) or large items (musical instruments, sports gear) may be left at the College Office Student Counter for safe-keeping.
All items brought to, or worn at, College should be clearly named.
Property Damage
An account will be sent home with regard to any deliberate or irresponsible property damage by a student.
Text Books
These are loaned to students by the College. In the event they are damaged or lost families will be charged for their replacement.
College Canteen
This is open every school day – before school from 8:25am and at interval and lunchtimes.
Menus are available for student information and a wide range of hot and cold food is sold at reasonable prices. Healthy eating options are a key focus.
EFTPOS is available.
Any canteen profit is targeted for investment into College equipment to benefit all students.
Internet and Information Services / Requirements
We provide students with the ability to log-in to College computer and internet services and our internet and email services provide a high (but not absolute) level of internet safety and security.
There is a set of rules for student use of these facilities. Breaches of cyber-safety codes of behaviour are treated as a disciplinary matter.
Students/Families are also required to complete an Responsible Internet Use Agreement, when enrolling with Ashburton College.
Field Trips
Trips away from College are well supervised and all reasonable care is taken of the students involved. Activities are conducted in a manner which meets all legislative requirements.
In-College arrangements are that:
- the organising teacher-in-charge will provide parents/caregivers with written details of the event.
- a returned, signed permission slip will be requested by a set date.
- where family payment is required this is due at the College Office three working days prior to the event.
Contacting the College
This can be done in a number of ways:
- by phoning the College Office and a message will be passed on to the person who can then make contact when free;
- by leaving a voice mail message (all staff have access to voice mail);
- by email to a staff member (email addresses are listed on the College website and on the School-Links page.
Concerns or Complaints
Families or community members are encouraged to make contact with us regarding any questions or concerns. This way we can help. Any concern or complaint will be received and responded to respectfully.
Depending on its nature enquiries may be made to a Teacher, AKO Teacher, Dean, Head of School, Deputy Principal or Principal; or more than one of these.
Serious complaints should be addressed to a Deputy Principal or the Principal and, ideally, should be in writing or through a meeting.
If required, a copy of the relevant College Policy and Procedure is readily available.
Reporting on/Discussing Student Progress
Interim Reporting to Families
These take place mid and end of each term.
Parents/Caregivers Teacher Interview Meetings
A day is available for interviews with teaching staff in Term 2. They are for all student year levels and provide an opportunity to discuss your child's progress.
Relevant dates are well advertised in advance through the College Newsletter, on the web-site and/or by a send-home notice.
Reporting to Parent/Caregivers
This takes place mid-year for Senior Students and towards the end of the school year for Junior Students. This reporting provides regulsar information on progress through the year and for Senior Students on their readiness for NCEA exams.
Parents or Caregivers with Specific Concerns
Are encouraged to request a meeting with a teacher at any time – by contacting the teacher concerned, the Ako Teacher, Dean or Head of School.
On occasions staff will make contact with home to discuss progress or concerns and/or to ask for a meeting.